Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage, attitude, and appearance are...
The State of Freight
There’s no denying that the demand for shipping has changed in 2019. In recent years the trucking industry benefitted from strong freight levels—particularly last year. In fact, during a recent Facebook Live broadcast, our President and COO Tim Aschoff said 2018 was...
April 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage, attitude, and appearance are...
Culture and Communication: Thoughts from the Next Generation of the #CreteFam
Look around the Lincoln headquarters—and at terminals throughout the country—and you’ll see people with a wide range of ages and experiences. Recently radio host Mark Willis featured Crete Carrier on his “Three under 30” special on Sirius XM’s Road Dog Trucking. Asset...
March 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage, attitude, and appearance are...
Preplan for Success
On a recent stop in Lincoln to get some truck issues attended to, I took the time to visit with the off hours second shift dispatch and load planners—taking a closer look at how things work after our day asset managers go home. Things were pretty slow so I was able to...
February 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage, attitude, and appearance are...
Truck Talk
New truck technology is grabbing headlines in the trucking industry. Developments in ways to fuel and pilot big rigs are fun to follow. But when the rubber meets the road practicality is a primary consideration. Crete Carrier Corporation President and COO Tim Aschoff...
January 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage, attitude, and appearance are...