Proactive Parking

Proactive Parking

Now that the industry has fully converted to elogs, those who once relied on creative logging when searching for parking must master a new skill—finding a safe and legal place to park within the hours of service limits. In days past, many...

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Why I Love Being on the Road

Why I Love Being on the Road

Trucking is definitely unlike most any other occupation out there. Just about every truck driver we see out there nowadays came from a different line of work. I worked as a truck mechanic for many years and already had my commercial...

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When Things Go Wrong

When Things Go Wrong

If you drive a truck—whether it's your first day behind the wheel or you've been driving for years—you work in an environment where things can go wrong in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it's minor. And sometimes it can be catastrophic to...

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The Importance of Planning Ahead

The Importance of Planning Ahead

There are only so many hours in a day. As professional drivers it's important that we utilize that time in a very efficient manner if we expect to sustain a good level of productivity and make it to our destination safely. Got HOURS? When...

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