Proactive Parking
Now that the industry has fully converted to elogs, those who once relied on creative logging when searching for parking must master a new skill—finding a safe and legal place to park within the hours of service limits. In days past, many...

Why I Love Being on the Road
Trucking is definitely unlike most any other occupation out there. Just about every truck driver we see out there nowadays came from a different line of work. I worked as a truck mechanic for many years and already had my commercial...

When Things Go Wrong
If you drive a truck—whether it's your first day behind the wheel or you've been driving for years—you work in an environment where things can go wrong in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it's minor. And sometimes it can be catastrophic to...

Recognition, Reunions and Romance. A Patriot Fleet Story
My name is Jim Krueger, and I’m a Rock Star! It’s the only way I can describe the feeling I get whenever I pull into the fuel island at the truck stop or check in at a customer for a pick up or delivery. Let me explain. I’ve been with...

The Importance of Planning Ahead
There are only so many hours in a day. As professional drivers it's important that we utilize that time in a very efficient manner if we expect to sustain a good level of productivity and make it to our destination safely. Got HOURS? When...

September 2018 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...

Looking Ahead to Winter Driving-Part 2
With winter weather underway in parts of the country it’s time to start thinking about winter driving procedures. While I'm not writing this article to tell anyone how to drive their truck, there are certain things many of us already know...

Looking Ahead to Winter Driving-Part 1
With winter weather underway in parts of the country it’s time to start thinking about winter driving procedures. While I'm not writing this article to tell anyone how to drive their truck, there are certain things many of us already know...

Straight Talk Builds Trust
On a recent episode of the “Dave Nemo Show” (Sirius XM) the conversation turned to the topic of driver retention—and what can be done to turn around a driver turnover rate that’s rising fast and approaching 100 percent annually. At Crete...