Crete Carrier and Shaffer Trucking 2019 Terminal Drivers of the Year
Congratulations to the drivers below for being selected driver of the year for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Year. Safety, mileage, attitude,...

2019 Crete Carrier and Shaffer Trucking Drivers of the Year
Crete Carrier Corporation celebrates another year of achievements in driver safety and productivity in 2019. In recognition of a successful year at Crete Carrier and Shaffer Trucking, we are honored to present the following drivers with...

Protect those IFTA Decals!
It’s that time of the year when we need to place those 2020 International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) decals on our assigned trucks before February 1—but let’s be sure we can KEEP them where they belong! Imagine this scenario. It’s a cold...

November 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...

Getting Home for Christmas
Here we go—that last week before Christmas and many of us drivers are wanting to be home. While we may have plans to be with our families, our company’s operations personnel are collectively performing a major undertaking during the week...

October 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...

September 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...

New Truck. New Issues.
Once a driver has been with the company for a while and demonstrated that they are safe and productive they are likely to be assigned to a brand new truck. While there’s a lot to be said for that new truck smell and a feeling of ‘starting...

Keeping an Ear to the Ground with A CB Radio
Most of us who were alive back in the 1970s still remember the nationwide 55 MPH speed limits. Back then most everyone had a CB radio, regardless of what type of vehicle they were driving. In a sense, that was the ‘social media’ of the...