April 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...
Keeping It Cool and Clean
As more new trucks are coming into our fleet with built-in refrigerators there are a few things we as drivers need to do to take care of them. The refrigerators are a welcome addition—making it much easier to keep food and drinks at the...
Culture and Communication: Thoughts from the Next Generation of the #CreteFam
Look around the Lincoln headquarters—and at terminals throughout the country—and you’ll see people with a wide range of ages and experiences. Recently radio host Mark Willis featured Crete Carrier on his “Three under 30” special on Sirius...
Getting to know the New Cascadia and Detroit DT12 Transmission
As Crete continues to transition to a mostly non-stick shift fleet, many drivers will be getting new trucks without the 10-speed stick shift that they have loved their whole careers. Times change and technology moves forward. We drivers...
March 2019 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...
Preplan for Success
On a recent stop in Lincoln to get some truck issues attended to, I took the time to visit with the off hours second shift dispatch and load planners—taking a closer look at how things work after our day asset managers go home. Things...
Our Bread And Butter: The Importance of Teamwork in Customer Retention
Over the last two years we as an industry got to enjoy a strong market for freight movement. Our hard working sales teams were able to use that to build our customer base and find more freight—allowing us to increase and maintain our...
The Feeling of Complete Disconnect—Part Two
In part one we talked about going on a cruise, how to choose a cruise, and saving up to pay for that much needed vacation. Now we will talk about other planning that is needed to make things go smoothly when the time comes to get away....
The Feeling of a Complete Disconnect
Part one: Realizing the need and working to make it happen. The reality of everyday life for any of us can wear us down over time regardless of how much we love our chosen occupations. Thankfully there are ways to completely disconnect...