Family Connections
No matter where you work within our company, you’ll hear coworkers talk about Crete, Shaffer, and Hunt being “family”. Of course, in most cases, we don’t take that literally. It’s more of a feeling of knowing others have your back. That...
July 2018 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I started my career as a truck driver almost 24 years ago. There's one thing I learned very early that’s as true now as it was then and will be tomorrow—CHANGE HAPPENS. In the last few years, it seems to be picking up the pace....
Growing Economy + Driver Shortage = New Approach
“The most valuable thing to a driver is their time. So how can we use tools out there to maximize the use of that driver’s time?” –Tim Aschoff, Crete Carrier President and COO The first lesson I learned in economics class is supply and...
Three Under Thirty
What’s on the minds of young people in the trucking industry? That was the topic of a recent “Three Under Thirty” segment on Road Dog Trucking News with Mark Willis. Three members of the Crete Carrier team under the age of thirty joined...
Communication Breakdown
Some of us older drivers may remember this as the title of a Led Zeppelin song but as we travel the road of life, communication is the backbone of most everything we do—especially when it comes to doing our part as drivers to help our...
June 2018 Drivers of the Month
Congratulations to all of the drivers below for being selected driver of the month for their respective terminal. Many elements are considered by the individual fleet managers in their selection for Driver of the Month. Safety, mileage,...
Trip Planning: Steps to Success
Success most often stems from planning out your future. The same is true in trucking. Every day we get behind the wheel and head toward our next destination which could be anywhere between a few hours to a few days away. The better you...
A Man and His Dog
Crete Carrier is a family oriented company and values all family members, including those of the four-legged variety. There are many reasons you may want to bring a pet with you on the road. We met up with John (Donut) Barnes to hear his...