Family Connections

Family Connections

No matter where you work within our company, you’ll hear coworkers talk about Crete, Shaffer, and Hunt being “family”. Of course, in most cases, we don’t take that literally. It’s more of a feeling of knowing others have your back. That...

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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I started my career as a truck driver almost 24 years ago. There's one thing I learned very early that’s as true now as it was then and will be tomorrow—CHANGE HAPPENS. In the last few years, it seems to be picking up the pace....

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Three Under Thirty

Three Under Thirty

What’s on the minds of young people in the trucking industry? That was the topic of a recent “Three Under Thirty” segment on Road Dog Trucking News with Mark Willis. Three members of the Crete Carrier team under the age of thirty joined...

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